Inside of St.Peters. Man, I really miss Italy

Monday, December 9, 2013

PROJECT: "Speech is mans best treasure", diceru ac dicere: to be taught and to teach.

Hesiod said; " speech is man's best treasure, but it should not be wasted. A prudent man should always observe the proper alternation between speech and silence.

Diounysuis the Areopagite wrote, " All those who are wise in divine matters, and are interpreters of the mystical revelation prefer incongruous symbols for holy things, so that divine things may not be easily accessible."

Diounysuis' quote  seems rather like he was saying we put our own definitions into ideas as well as read in too much into some things. So did that idea start there because he felt that ideals as well as views were being highly misinterpreted? He could be saying that we are not as wise as we see ourselves and that is why we are not able to yet understand such mysteries as a the soul or other mystical expressions that we have formulated.
Dr. Wind goes on to say , "For when ideas are so forcefully expressed in art, it is unlikely that their importance will be confined to just art alone." This is something that I find very true and am very passionate about. He is not just speaking about a message that an artist is trying to relay but the underlying meaning of the message. Freud would have a field day with this but I believe that with a meaning come a subconscious reason for it, even if the conscious reason has already been brought up.  Dr.Wind also goes to say that even if  a work of art is wonderful to look at " it cannot reach a perfect state so long as the spectator is plagued by a suspicion that there is morning than meets the eye." I believe that is true of most art, even literature. That there may be something lurking in the shadows creates an uneasiness because the viewer or reader has to go beyond what they are given and look deeper into their own minds for an answer. Now this may not be what the artist was intending but unless they come out in the open with the unspoken dialogue, how is the view not supposed to use their own subconscious to find a meaning in something?

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