Inside of St.Peters. Man, I really miss Italy

Sunday, December 1, 2013

11.25.13 Notes

Classy things;

*Titian, Danae, 1545
"it's a pitty, that in Venice, they do not know how to draw very well'
Based on Michelangleo's vision of "Night". the colorist style is lacking in design.  Style; color pattern, pose (painting now to poetry),

*Titian, "Noli me Tangere" 1512
supposedly unfinished Gorgonia, finished by Titian. Mary Magdeline and Christ, after the reserection, it's interesting that God shows to women first. This depicts Mary yerning for Christ but no longer being able to touch him. Style

*Flying of Marsyas, 1576
Uses brushes as big as brooms, or his fingers (God paints with his fingers, why not him as well)
a good artist only needs three colors; red black and white.
If you love painting, you have to love Titian. Unlike Bolini, he uses rhetoric and gestures that are not quite real but which kept the idea of the Renaissance. ]

*Titian, Pietro Arentino, 1545
Friend and pornographer, moved to Venice had much more freedom of speech. along with the sculpture yackavo , they had many parties. Titian was a ladies man but was highly revered friend of Pietro.

*Titian , Penitent Megdalen, Florence, Pitti, 1530-35
design and color was a gender discourse. female was matter and form. form relates to soul. woman and earth. form and color was an inferior thing, a lesser form. doesn't agree with that idea.

*Titian, Flora, 1516-18
Goddess and cortisian. caught by a wind God. in one hand she offers flowers(herself). A contemporary woman in older times. offering herself to her lover that is out of frame . dark back ground so that her form stands out.

*"la Bella" 1536
self portrait but not named. in an expansive blue dress but was highly prized and wanted by many. demonstrated beautiful painting. unspecific , not named. there were laws that prohibited women from dressing up too much so that they could not show off their wealth.

*Titan, Woman in a fur coat,
similar to the La Bella, same models

*Titian, "sacred and profane Love," 1514 Rome, Borghese 4x9
create as a wedding present for Urrilo(secretary for the council of 10) , it was not titled that by Titian. Sacred is the nude elevated and in the sky. she is adorned, spirtiualized. the woman in the dress is more profane love because she is a materialistic. There is a dialogue between the women, the higher love (unbridaled love = unbridaled horses).  the water is agitated by cupid. animal passion. Both wearing red and white, exorting herself to love.

* Venus of Urnibo
Mrytle flowers, flowers of love.

*The Camerino of Alfonso d' Este, Ferrara, first mentioned in 1518
based on the ancient world
* Isabell d' este by Titian
*Fra Bartolomeo, The Worship of Venus
*Alfonso by follower of Titian
* Titian, Bacchanal of the Adnrians, 1522 Madrid, Prado
*Bellini, Feast if the Gods, 1514.... Titian comes in and repaints the background, wanted to make it consitant.

*Fra Bartolomeo, Lamention.

*Worship of Venus: Drawing by Fra Bartolomeo. 1517
abandon/ chaotic. the people are offering mirrors to the Venus. subjects
*Titian, Worship of Venus, 1518-19,
the putti fly up to the golden apples (a sign of Venus). the women depicted suggest that they part take in the craziness,

*BAcchabak if the Andrians, 1522, Madrid, Prado
Venice's glass. Titian brings in the ancient world to life, color is vital and reflective lights are also important.

*Possin, Midas and Bacchus

*Goya, Naked Maja, c 1800
*Titian, Bacchus and Ariadne, 1522-23 London, 69x75
Ariadne rescued Thesius, Bacchus rescues her off an island.

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