Inside of St.Peters. Man, I really miss Italy

Monday, December 2, 2013


Classy things: Exam next week, bring  blue book!!! don't forget to get a study guide if you weren't in class

Notes for boats;
Camerino paintings by Bellini

*Flaying of Marsyas, 1576
late style, done at the end of his life. Way ahead of it's time.
" he mixed things up."
no figure is completely form, they seem to be coming out of a smokey atmosphere.

*Titian, Pieta, 1576, now in Accademia, Venice
intended for his own tomb, has a grim archeture, dispiere seems to be vanquished by faith. Mary Magdollen crying in grief, Moses' statue caring the 10 commandments. Eliphontic Cybil caring thorns. Very much like Bellini s mosaics . The St. Jerome figure is supposedly Titan himself. The painting at the far right shows Titian and his son praying at the Pieta (a painting in a painting.) Mary's cry of dispare seems to be a form of life that she is stepping out of the picture. It is interesting that the woman should play such an important role in the last painting that Titian creates. They are powerful, a statement.

*Titian, Pesaro Madonn, 1519-26

*The grand alter piece, the Assumption of the Virgin
both he and his son died from the plague in the 15---

* Pontormo Visitation, Carmignoano vs. Bill Viola "greetings" Video
elongation of Pontormo's figures.

* Pontormo, Visdomini Atlerpiece, 1518
elongated figures again. diamond shaped compositions. unstable poses. seems disjunctive. strong diagonals . seems to be anti-classical but seems to be really psychological

*Andrea del Sarto, Madonna of the Harpies, 1517
Has a future look of Mannerism. contrposto poses, the putti are holding the family up as if they are a statue
coming to life.

* Pontormo, Joseph in Egypt 1518 london, 17X19
very strange and loss of the center.
main scene is off the left side and spiral staircase seems to be going off to no where. sees statues comes to life again, sees Florence ideals. a new kind of freedom. Mannerism elongations, gothic style as well. it was a way to dematerialize it

*Villa Medici, Poggio a Caiano
created for Lorenzo Medici

*Pontormo, Vertumnus and Pomona,Fresco Villa Medici, Poggio a Caiano,
seems to have Michaelangelo refrence. The "Gods' seem to be just peasants.
the medalion at the bottom represents that the seasons change but the Medici are forever. The old guy seems to be in an un classical/ rude pose (winter). the dog is looking out of the picture, seem to be looking at the pictures of the animals on the other side of the wall. The women look out of the picture.
Classical art, idealism meets naturalism.
Almost vulgar

*rosso Fiorention, Descent form the Cross,


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