Inside of St.Peters. Man, I really miss Italy

Monday, November 4, 2013

11.4.13 Class Notes

Classy things;
NO CLASS next Monday 11, 2013.

Presenters for the week after:

Home Videos from Harvey in Italy. Epic.
Raphael - Bernini 2010

Medici Tombs:
*Duke Giuliano, La Notte Day. (Night and Day)
never truly restful figure for night, but more exhausted.
Day-figure bound up in itself, looking over the shoulder, the arm twisted behind the back creating this strong backed person. Velvadier torso was one of the inspirations for it. Despite it's power there is no effective action. Left to be finished.
Night- earliest of the 4 figures, still has atriputes of the night. symbols of sleep and death, poppies, masks, owl. (womb to tomb). going way from the "Virgin" she seems, spent, no longer a virgin. procreative. Broken nose is a symbol of Michelangelo failed attempt, (negative things).

*Duke Lorenzo Dusk and Dawn =Dusk(Michelangelo Portrait)  -Earth-Melancholy-Autumn
Dawn- (th eVirgin) -air-
Lorenzo -Very  much the pensive thinker. Was an idea from the print from Durer "Melencoliai". Story is Lorenzo died mad so that may be why the helmet covered his face so.
Dusk- sense of exhaustion can be seen in unfinsihed work.
Dawn- beautiful virgin, Chasity Belt of sorts wraps around her ribs.

*Michelangelo, Medici Madonna 1519-34
The Christ Child is at his mothers breast instead of the child engaging with the audience. the child is enclosed with the form. prohetess looks ahead. strong contraposto (twisting away from us). completes his Madonna series. the crossed legs "the legs that no man shall enter"/ head is unfinished.

*Titian, Danae, 1552
-Story, danae is locked in a tower and Jupiter appears to her as a stream of gold. An idea from the closed form of Michealangleos "Night".

*Michelangelo, Pieta, St. Peter's 1498
had her hand and nose knocked off by a cultural vigilati.  commissioned for a French tomb. the first sculpted Pieta in Italian art. her face is narrow Florentine type. Has strange line qualities throughout. problem that Michelangelo has is how to balance the composition, She becomes bigger as it works to her feet to help compass him . If She were to stand up she would be 3x bigger. Only sculpture that Michelangelo signed. The presentation of the Corpas Cristi; the church offering us the body of Christ.  She does not look sad, she is the prophet. He is the scarifies and she is the alter. The muscle tone of Christ is that it is not of a dead man but of a man that he is only sleeping, he will rise again. She is also too young, she is 47 years old...."chase women take better care of themselves". "the wife of Christ". the mourning of a lover, the tragedy of it.

*Michelangelo, Pieta, Florence, 1555
Difference in composition, Missing a leg for Christ, Michelangelo attached the sculpture. Awkward composition  Joseph of aramedia and Nickademus were the ones to bare Christ to the tomb. Nickademus is looking over Christ while Mary holds up Christ. The theme of lovers of Christ. Mary Magdalene. Missing leg can only go over the lap of Mary. The corps is quite alive.

*Dying slave, Tomb of Julias the II
Suspended figure,

Raphael's Isaac and Rebecca
crossing of the a\lap is highly sexual

Michelangelo, Rondanini Pieta 1560- 64
Unfinished and not known to the public. was working on it till the day he died. Holding up Christ, but also merges into the body of the Madona. Has a huge part of work to do. Really long legs. Seems to be a result from other ideas.

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