Inside of St.Peters. Man, I really miss Italy

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Discussion 1; Humanism

So from the readings by Martin, Humanism seemed to have been created, by chance or by choice, for the elite! It was all about bettering the lives of the civilians but only until they bettered them enough for the higher classes to take what they needed from the lower classes. The lower classes could not elevate their status quot but they could teach others a better way to rule or to learn. I think Troy said it very well, " The Humanist movement was born of power, justified by the power of its originators, and used to garner power for personal gain, and with eloquence/rhetoric as a “guiding aim”, what cannot be rationalized? " This statement shows much of what our government is still about in this age; education leads to power....and if you're lucky wealth. It is interesting that there were so many backing the idea. There can only be so much corruption before a revolution erupts. The new Humanist way took ideas from the old Greek and Roman ways but also enforced them with their new contemporary ways. 

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