Inside of St.Peters. Man, I really miss Italy

Monday, October 14, 2013


Classy things;

Next Monday is the MIDTERM! 10/22/13 . Please make sure to bring a blue book to class.
All the slides that we are asked to look over and memorize have been posted on D2L.
Please be sure to be keeping up on your project for discussion.

Michelangelo vs. Raphael? vs Leonardo?
Who was better? Why?
Who created a better art legacy?

The student always tries to out do the master.

*Bramante, The Tempietto courtyard of S. Pietro in Montorio, 1502-15011
Died before he could finish the Dome of St. Peters Basilica. Temple is turned back into the "ancient form"

*Melozzo da Forli, Sixtus IV, his Nephews, and Plantina, his Librarian, c. 1476; Vatican

*The Disprita; first fresco in .....
it shows the miracle of the father, son , and holy spirit. alternating old and new testament figures up in Heaven, swings all the "weight" of the focal point to the little center.
 First shot at a large fresco. the doorway right underneath on the right side of the fresco is how you enter the room. Mastery of linear perspective.

*"The School of Athens"
Plato and Aristotle , the fresco on the other side of the wall from the Disprita. Show's the ancient that are seeking revelation through their philosophy. Very respectful. simultaneous project to the Sistine Chapel.  together with Disprita, it shows the temple of the mind.

Theology is made in "Gods" open air. Philosophy is "man" made. Visualizing St. Peters, it is what it becomes.

*Raphael, cartoon,
what will become "The School of Athens" . Finally adds in Michelangelo in the center. Plato pointing up to the "Heavens", also looks like Leonardo. Artistotal is pointing down, wanting to discuss ethics.
Raphael puts himself in the scientific and mathematical group.
Pathagarus and musical theory are on the other side.

*" Parnassus"
The "Poetry" Fresco, holds all the poets

Pope Julius II holding.... , Also shows ancient art. "prudence, temperateness, fortitude" . This fresco is opposite Parnassus

This was a huge church tradition, having a conversation about past and present and the mind in an illustrated form. Raphael creates a huge "open space" by doing these frescos. "He opens them up with deep space".

The Ceiling contains; Justice, Poetry,  Theology, and Philosopy.

*Raphael, Sistine Madonna, 1512-13
not in the Sistine Chapel, but was done right after Pope Julius died. He is in the picture as a predecessor. The angels and the bottom are painted right on top of the crowd. St. Barabra holds the curtain open to show the new mother and child. The Madonna looks more Roman. Done for the church of San Sisto,  a Renaissance town, done for Julius as a remembrance piece.  Was smuggled out by monks who needed the money. A German duke bought it and a copy was made and an over night smuggle opteration.
Was then later taken by the Russian Red soldiers during WWII.

****RAPE OF ERUPOA**** movie based on such art work.

*Raphael, La Donna Velata, Florence, Pitti
Raphael's lover (girlfriend), possibly the model for the Sistine Madonna. shows great detail to the cloth that both the Madonna and Velata are dressed in.

*Raphael, "La Fornarina"
"girlfriend" as model

*Raphael, Galatea, c 1513
both icons, the humanist strain is to relate the modern day to the ancient world.  based on ancient ideas but everything always correlates to what is going on.

*Raphaels Bible,
smaller fresco but beautifully done and put together.

*Mass of Bolsena, 1512
a fresco created around a window. great portratures of the modern figures. compotion of balance and the colors show how much action is within the image.
Swiss Guards, started by Pope Julius II as his body gaurds.  Look as if they are in the room with you. Has to deal with the asymmetrical window so he creates steps off the right side that are longer.

*Expulsion of Heliodorus, 1512
Goes back to Isrial. The Rabbi prays in the back of the image for help which comes as invisible angels on horseback. almost a trip tic composition.  He is a painter opposed to a sculpture . highly calculated forms. almost overly calculated.

*Repulse of Attila, Stanza d' Eliodoro, 1513.
turning the Huns away from the gates of Roman in anciet times. St. Peter and Paul help to shield away the army.

*Raphael, Liberation of St. Peter, Stanza d' Eliodoro, 1514
Pope has died. The story of St. Peter being freed from prison by an angel.  Pope Leo has to be in two different people within the composition. very heavy sevier architecture. deals with the salvation of Rome. French are unable to take Rome. Pope had a huge bon fire and for that the lighting may have come from that idea.

*Donatello, Miracle of the Mule, Padua, High Altar, Sant' Antonio, 1445
Drama of architect is on a big scale. is somewhat in a Trip tic composition as well.

*Pope Leo X and Cardinals c. 1517
Humanist and art collector but bad news for the people. Also a Medici.

*Peiro Della Framcesca, Dream of Constantine, Fresco, Arezzo
light shining on the armor is the same as the "liberation of St. Peter". Pushing the boundaries of Baroque art.

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