Inside of St.Peters. Man, I really miss Italy

Monday, September 9, 2013

Classy things

Class notes/ stuff:

Creating a blog> Have to create a new Google account and then you will be able to make a account. go through the steps that they have set up for you.

Please make sure that you have a idea of what you want your project to be and email it to Harvey ASAP!

Discussion for next week.

Please be checking your D2L's!

*=works of art

Sistine Chapel
Starting with the Sistine Chapel, the original ceiling of the Sisitine chapel was light blue with stars, later would be painted by Michael Angello . Sides of the inside were fressco (fake tapestries). built by Pope Sictus IV. He wanted the sermons to be illustrated.

Ingres 19th C.
"out with the old, in with the new" All of the frescoes were destroyed and Michael Angelo would soon paint over.

Popes during this time really had alot of power and authority. It became more propaganda fresco.
They were great for the arts because the Franciscan and Domincian were always to out do each other.

*Parigino from Paruga. Christ giving the keys to St. Peter,  the key to the kingdom of heaven, Keys = papal symbol for power.
St. Peter "the rock in which he found the church" , started the Catholic faith in Rome.
Brunilesci invented the linear  "vanishing point" way of drawing. Something was only invented under a great need for it!
*Best fresco because it was the best sencse of concentration. not as busy, but also on the verge of high Renaissance. centralized structure and spaciousness. the sense of public ceremony

Temple in Jeruslem was the center, St. Peters Basilica would become the same for Rome.
the iconography used in pagan rituals became the earliest imagery in Christian art.

"last judgement" by Michael Angello......type- ology. Old testament, Moses, and Christ on opposite walls , new testament at the back.
 between the windows is the succession of the last 30 popes. The arches of the windows are the suscession to Christ, all the peoples that were "lost".

This chapel was originally for the Virgin. Many of the original frescos were destroyed for  others to paint on it. Tran sends political history but turned into the political agenda of the popes.

each fresco took a total of +4 months. This is the shift of power from Florence to Rome, this was the start of it.
nephew of Sictus IV has Michael Angello to finish the chapel. Bozari says that Boticelli
All the images linded up with the people at the same level, atmospheric perspective, central solid element, 3 masses- two holes ( 3 big landscape areas, two areas for your eyes to travel).

* Perugino, scenes of Moses, including Circumcision of  Moses' Son
to include patrons of the paintings in the paintings was a common thing, they would just be there. Moses wears green and yellow. Circumcision is replaced by baptism. Prefiguration to the new testament.

*Luca Signorelli, Last Days of Moses
weird neud figure, Albeiriti said to have many different types of people in the image an many people .

*Perugino, Baptism of Christ

*Botecilli, the youth of Moses.
Moses is seen 7 times in this fresco. Botecilli has much more vigor ( slaying the eygptian task master)
"moses is seen at the good shepard" There will always be a lady "running" in with something on her head.

*Botecelli, Temptation of Christ and other scenes
Strange because it is the replacement of the Jewish sacrifice, taking front in the temple of Jerusalem. The young aculite was thought to be the young Jesus. the temlpe of Jerusalem was actually the old St. Peters, The devil is the tempting Jesus to show himself as "god".
" a boy caring grapes stepping on a serpent is acient roman art"

Dominican monks = black and white robes
Franciscans monks = brown robes.

* Comsimo Rosselli and Piero do Comsimo, Crossing aof the Red Sea
" a column of fire" = lightning but the Christians thought it was an actual column

*Domenico Ghirlandaio, Calling the Apostles, Sistine Chapel 1481- 82
Mastered Atmospheric painting. Had regiments of cloaked figures, had heavily draped figures.

*Botecelli, Punishment of Korah, Sistine Chapel 1481- 82
Both Moses and the Pope ( at the time) felt challenged, very accurate arch of Constantine,
Constantine Christianize Rome. " March of Constantine" . The Sons of Aron were struck by lightniing, Moses was being stoned, very violent picture

*Michael Angelo, seated moses with horns
Mis translations of hebrew to latin made it sound as if Moses had horns, so many early Christian art peices had that

*Cosimo Rosselli, Giving of the Law
Won the popes competition. Shows the pope is not infallible. no sense of consecration. " TOO much gold" .

*Andrea Del Verrocchio, Baptism of Christ, c. 1470, Florence, Uffizi
 Verrocchio did all types of commissions. many decorative things, altar pieces were big
very sculptural style, angels were present holding robes while Christ is baptized.
modern = Squarish frame, naturalistic, high elevation. Gothic= many panels, gold back grounds
monumentality was what Renaissance painters aimed for .
Verrocchio says that Leonardo worked on this painting as a young apprentice: the background was what Leonardo was said to have had a hand in. very soft and aireal, it was far beyond what Verrocchio would have originally put there.
Landscape is only of interest to them as a background, figures were the important part.

Leonardo was interested in landscapes. Created the first "pure" landscape in the Renaissance area. Valley Veiorno, doesn't see it as worth painting but becomes so impressionistic.

Contro pasto- turning movement

Leonardo had a metaphysical look into art. Spiritual and physical .
Ciarroscuro- light and dark
"the boudries of bodies are less" spiritual convention being the essences of matter
"Everything is Everything"-Leonardo

*Leonardo, Annunciation, late 1470's
Baldovinetti, one of the artist that Leondardo admires. enlcosed garden was a symbol of virginity. a real sense of atmosphere.
the annunciation is usually on seperate arches of the room.

*Fra Filippo Lippi,


  1. Marion, thanks so much for your help with this, and for posting the good class notes--that was your initiative and much appreciated. I must note that VASARI is the great historian of the period, contemporary and pal with MICHELANGELO. Marion, I see my blog appears on your "dashboard," but hI am hoping to see all student blogs listed with you. How does one link their blog to yours? As "follower"--please explain and let me know. Again, thanks for this important work

  2. Sunday. Marion, have you received ANY blogs to link on yours?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks Troy, got it set up, i'll send you the rest of the links via facebook

  4. Hi Marion! I have created a blog for Arth 424:

