Inside of St.Peters. Man, I really miss Italy

Monday, September 30, 2013

Classy Things:
All assignments have to be done before class, this will make for better discussion during class.

Oct 14th: Discuss 2. Readings from Leonardo da Vinci: Flights of the mind. 


* Michelandgelo, Bruges Madonna 1503-04
was in Florence but sold to a Flemish merchant and left Italy. She seems to anticipates the prophet. Iconic appearance. Icons go back to medieval, put ideas on a pedestal. The dress she wears is a classical approach, vertical folds, iconic quality. Not so much a happy mother but more someone who sees the future. ....the hood she wears takes the place of the halo, ancient art and ancient sculpture.
interlacing of the hands. The Christ Child seems to be taking his first steps but is still in the staftey of his mothers cloths. She seems to be holding  a book that suggests a prophet.

*Donatello, Virgins and Saints, High Altar, Sant'
Bisantin proto type, the child seems to be still in the womb. Icon vs narrative, this was more narrative. Madonna seems to be rising from the thrown to be giving the Christ child to "us". A lot of motion.
Michelangelo is always competing with  Donatello.

* Raphael, "La Belle Jardiniere" 1507
Born in Orivino. Goes to were all the action is; Rome. " Take the marble Madonna, and hide it away" told his father to put away the Madona and child because he was afraid Raphael would steal the idea.
. Took many different ideas from Michelangelo, the difference is that the Christ child has already "left" his mother but he returns to the tender mother. Singular form.

*Leonardo, Madonna with St. Anne, 1508-13, Paris, Louvre
Made the Mona Lisa during this period as well. Raphael learned a lot from this and other

*Taddei Tondo 1500-1502, Michangelo
The shape is referred to as a Tondo; circular, round. Unfinished, possibly the one that he was said to "hide away". The head of the Madonna is too flat and it show again that she the prophet. violent actions, over excited and the Child flees at the sight of the bird that John the Baptist holds. The child is not yet ready to take on the bird, or the souls of the world. The Madonna, again, shows no emotion. the Child is in contrapasto. This idea was derived from a sarcophagus from Media, Media= a lover kills her children,

*Donatello, Feast of Herod, Baptismal font, Siena 1425
3 leading
Sculpture usually starts then painting.
"Feast of Herod"=The sculpture depicts the Beheading of St. John the Baptist after Salome asks Herod Antipas for his head on a platter. The scene depicts an executioner presenting the severed head, and Herod reacting in shock.
Great attention and great narrative. Square pannel, child present, linear system and a contraposto due ted purpose. 

*Madonna de la Cartilino 
Raphael has serine landscape 

*Raphael, Madonna of Meadow, 1505
in a triangular form. what ever the children play with is a shadow to the future, or what is going to happen. "Raphael creates THE perfect mother" All of the "Madonnas " come from Leonardo's Madonna with St. Anne.
Madonna always wore read and blue, Compassion and faith. It was vital in the churches view/ 

*Botticelli, Madonna of the Magnificent
Circular frame but triangular image. Florentine by way of the scarf that the Madonna wears. Many angels no wings. They are more involved with each other than they are with the Madonna. 

*Pitti Tondo, 1505, Bargello, 33' diameter
Pitti was a family that were taken over by the Medici family. Unfinished but great monumental. The contrast to the Bruges Madonna is that the child is carefree and she is looking into the future. John the Bap waits in the back grown. 
The head breaks the frame. with her cape she protects the child.

*Doney Tondo, Michelangelo 
Strange iconography 
Doney family = important patrons for Raphael, Michelangelo paints for them.
this was probably done as a "birth plate", given with presents atop it. The minute heads stand virtical on the plate.
HAD NEVER SEEN A BARE ARM OF A NUN BEFORE THIS. She is a Madonna of humility because she sits on the ground.
The nudes in the back are traditional Roman athletes. Interpretations= are they in a baptism? is it the foundation to a building?
The "Holy family group". Seated between the feet of Joseph, Madonna takes much care in protecting the child.
Very Chiaroscuro, shows that Michelangelo was a sculpture. "The best paintings should be sculpture".
All the twisting and athletics, just seems to do much about nothing.
Theologically, her virility shows in the strength of her arm .

"the Doney Madonna Twist "
The artifical bonds are ended by the "true family bonds" of Christianity

* Raphael, Entombment, 1508
The Madonna is fainted but having that symbolic death. The Mary's support her and 

*Bronzino, Exposure of Luxury, 1545
Mannerism, allegory . Venus the Goddess of Love and her son Cupid. Perversion of the Holy family. 

*Salone del Cinquecento, Palazzo Vecchio, Frescoes by Vasari
may well be that Vasari may have covered up fresco by Michelangelo and Leonardo. 

*Leondardo, Battle of Anghiari (central portion; copy by Rubens)
infrequent Florentine victories over the Milanese.  interested in horse forms again. He used wax to get an atmospheric affect that failed miserably. the top faded away and the the bottom melted. 
May of 1506, gave up and went back to Milan. a Swaztica composition. 

Technical failure. 

*Uccello, Battle of San Romano, c. 1445
The most important victory.  Beautiful abstraction, learning linear perspective. beautiful use of decorative lances. Leonardo would look at this for his Battle of Anghiari

*Michelangelo, Battle of Cascina, 1505 (copy by Aritstotile da Sangallo)
Poor depiction. parts of it were stolen. 
All poses. Battle of 1364. 

*Pollaiuolo, Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, 1475
very semetrical composes. trying to repeat poses of action for anatomy studies. 

Renaissance art is linear , Baroque are is painterly.


Sistine Chapel
Michelangelo made his own free standing scaffolding. The Original ceiling was light blue with stars. The original depiction was of enthroned prophets. The project, at the beginning, is in his way and then becomes his version of the history of the world. He gets to do what he wants. It is a flatten version of the tome of Julius. Classical system, like sculpture. The points of view are all different. they all shift. Are the surrounding paintings or are they their one work? The Nidnui sit and surround the narrative scenes of Ginsus . They represent the befores of the world.  they are only half conscience of what is about to happen. Oak leaves were apparent in a lot of the work.  
Jan 1509- 4 years to complete. 
He was depressed and couldn't work with anyone. 

the only place where the system comes together is over the alter, with Jonah and the whale. 

Dante, 14th century, Michelangelo 
later scene are done first on the ceiling. 
The first scene is the drunkenness of Noah, everything in the old testament is a reconfiguration of the new. Failed savior. 
second scene flood. 

*Arch of Constantine, Rome, c. 300
a modge podge of collected materials.

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